Collmate main menu |
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The main menu contains all commands available in Collmate. Some of them are accessible to the user from the popup menu of the tree of collections and contactsand the list of itmes.
[File] New... - Create new collection package Open - Open existing collection package Reopen - Open last viewed package Save - Save collection package Save as... - Save collection package with another file name Close - Close collection package Properties - Open properties window of package Exit - Exit from Collmate
Data panels Description - Show/hide item description Image 1 - Show/hide image 1 preview panel Image 2 - Show/hide image 2 preview panel Image 3 - Show/hide image 3 preview panel Image 4 - Show/hide image 4 preview panel Layout Set As Default - Set the current position of data panels as the default layout Restore Default - Restore default position of data panels Reset - Restore predefined layout Toolbars - Show/hide toolbars
[Collection] New... - Create new collection in current collection Delete - Delete collection from package Sort - Sort subcollections by name Create template - Create collection template using properties of the current collection Properties - Open properties window of collection
[Item] Add... - Add new item to collection Duplicate - Create copy of an item in the current collection Copy - Copy selected items Move - Move selected items into another collection Delete - Delete item(s) from collection Check In - Return selected items back into collection Check Out - Loan selected items to a contact Go To... Collection - Find an item in the list of items of a collection then show it (if the item is in the list of novelties, or in the list of results of search or in the list of the items which are transferred out of collections) Contact - Find an item in the list of the items which are transferred to contact then show it Properties - Open properties window of item
[Contact] New... - Create new contact in package Delete - Delete contact from package Send E-mail List of Loaned - Create the message with a list of items loaned to the contact List of Novelties - Create the message with a list of novelties Other - Write and send e-mail to contact Properties - Open properties window of contact
[Tools] New items... - Adjustment of the novelties' list Search... - Search text in a package Reports Generate... - Generate report or collection catalog Design... - Design and manage custom reports Design Recent... - Design recently generated report Export list... - Export current list of items to CSV and HTML Import... - Import data to the collection package Template manager - Open manager of collection templates Options Backup... - Setup automatic backup properties Language... - Setup interface language
[Help] Contents... - Show context help contents F.A.Q. - Read answers to the frequently asked questions How To Register - Read information about program registration procedure (On-Line only) Enter Registration Code... - Enter the registration code received by e-mail Send E-mail to Support - Send E-mail with the technical information to the Collmate support team Collmate Web-site - Open Collmate homepage at WWW About... - Show information about the author and the version of the program
See also